Ongoing Classes (Zoom or In-Person)

From: $370.00

If you are new, or returning, to Ongoing class, or you are currently enrolled and wish to switch to another class, please purchase the Ongoing TBD option only. Unless you are currently enrolled in one of the classes listed below, purchase of a specific class is invalid and your purchase will be transferred to an Ongoing TBD reservation.

If you’re feeling ill, STAY FAR AWAAAAY. Drink LOOOOTS of tea but PUH-LEASE do not come in-person to our studio until you are ALL BETTER.

We appreciate your cooperation as we do our very best to keep everyone healthy and BOOKING AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!

Ongoing classes meet weeklyThe number of weeks depends on the month. Our Ongoing TBD (in-person or Zoom) price for April is $355 and covers four weeks’ worth of class. However, since there are five Tuesdays and Wednesdays of instruction in April, you’d owe an additional $85 should you accept our offering of a Tuesday or Wednesday Ongoing.

IMPORTANT: the cost of Ongoing class increases $25 after the 20th!

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SKU: CLX ONG V Category:

Getting into Ongoing classes is the third and final step in the LK&Co. class progression!

Before signing up for an Ongoing class, you must have previously completed our Acting Essentials or Comedy Intensive, and Technique Clinic classes.This is not because we think you lack talent; it’s just that some people in the Ongoings have been in and out of the classes for years (e.g., they withdraw when they get acting work), and it’s hard on them to constantly have to go back over the basics. We’ve found everyone is happier if those new to Ongoing have taken Essentials or a Comedy Intensive, and a Technique Clinic.