
More Or Les (September 2024)

From: $95.00

More Or Les (“MOL”) is our daily, high-intensity bootcamp for actors. It is comprised of two, short, kickass classes per day for four weeks. All classes take place on Zoom. You get to attend up to two acting classes per day (usually about 40 classes each month!) and can take all of them or show up whenever it works for you.  

Two participation options are available:      

  1. Working Actor – $175 [per month]that’s waaaaay less than $5 per class! (less if you choose a membership plan!). A limited number of spots are available. Working Actors perform in up to one class each day. 
  2. Undercover Actors– $95 [per month] (that’s less than $3 per class!) Undercover Actors get to watch and learn.

Membership plans are available(see details in the More Or Les Memberships Section below).Now you can have MORE More Or Les and save MORE money. 

You can join More Or Les anytime. 

See Required Prerequisites below.  

If you choose a Membership plan, you must click “Save payment information to my account for future purchases” at checkout so that your monthly payments are received automatically. 

SKU: MOL SEP 24 Categories: ,

While our Ongoing Classes remain the bedrock of our foundation, MOL is a simple, fast-paced, freakishly low-priced alternative (or add-on, if you like) to our program.    


  • Length of each class: 40–60-minutes,   
  • Frequency: usually two classes per day,   
  • When: weekdays, generally between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm Pacific time,   
  • Where: on Zoom,   
  • Teachers: Lesly and LK&Co. Faculty with the occasional special guest or two,   
  • Level: Ongoing,   
  • Participants: those who have completed at least one month of LK&Co. Ongoing Class (detailed prerequisites below),   
  • Material: posted the day before each class,   
  • Cost: shockingly low. Insanely low. Like, SO much less than coffee — anywhere from $2.00-$5.00 PER CLASS!!!!!!!!  

Bootcamp: Actors say MOL is like bootcamp. You get to work on two auditions and several roles every day so your real auditions and self-tapes become far less precious, and your work on set becomes not-at-all terrifying, rather predictable and – dare we say it? MUCH more fun, effortless and easy.   

“I remember when I shot my first guest star on a major network show. Everything was new and fresh and exciting. I was thrilled and terrified. For me, it was the greatest day of my life! For everyone else? It was Tuesday.” – a loose paraphrase of something actor/screenwriter Ryan Raddatz once said 

MOL is for actors who:

  • don’t have time for a long, weekly, in-depth, personalized Ongoing class and rehearsals, but want to stay in the game by expanding their skills, improving their habits, interacting with a community, and deepening those new neural pathways,     
  • are in Ongoing Class but want/need additional daily accountability, and   
  • want to learn but do not always have time to fully prepare and perform, 
  • can’t afford Ongoing Class!


You must have taken the following classes at LK&Co. in order to be eligible for More Or Les (yes, even Undercover Actors!):   

  • The Acting Essentials or a Comedy Intensive,     
  • a Technique Clinic, and     
  • at least one full month of Ongoing classes.   


  • Working Actors  (“WA”s) participate in class via video and audio and may perform in up to one class per day.limited number of WA spots are available.
  • Undercover Actors (“UCA”) watch and learn, and
    may attend any or all class sessions. 

Memberships for Working Actors Only: Working Actors are welcome to pay for class by the month, or you may purchase a Membership that will enable you to save even MORE!  

  • A One-Month Membership costs $175 (or $4.37 per class!!!!) and is payable in full.  
  • A Three-Month Membership costs $450 (or $3.78 per class!!!! You save $75!), and is payable in full or in three monthly installments of $150,   
  • A Six-Month Membership costs $750 (or $3.12 per class!!!! You save $300!), and is payable in full or in six monthly installments of $125,    
  • An Annual Membership costs $1100 (or $2.50 per class!!!! You save $825!!) and is payable in full or in 11 installments of $100. An Annual Membership is eleven (not twelve) months because we merge December and January into one month and exclude holiday weeks.  
Membership Length  Cost in Full  Cost per Month  Cost per Class  Savings 
One Month  $175   $175   $4.37  
Three Months  $450   $150   $3.78   $75  
Six Months  $750   $125   $3.12   $300  
Annual  $1,100   $100   $2.50   $825  

About Membership Plans:

  • Membership Plans are for Working Actors only.     
  • Membership Plans are not pro-rated. You pay for the whole month of class even if you begin after the first class of the month. Why? Because we are trying to keep the costs of this class dooooooowwwwn. The more administration we have to do the more we have to charge, so we’re trying to do as little as possible!!!!    
  • Membership Plans are for consecutive months only. They are continuous for the number of months purchased. Memberships may not be stopped and restarted.  
  • Once a membership begins, there are no refunds. You commit to the designated Membership length and may pay it in full or in monthly installments.  
  • Should you elect to pay per month as opposed to a lump sum, you will be billed monthly until the entirety of the membership is paid in full. (For actual pricing please see the Cost per Month amount in the chart above). PLEASE NOTE: December & January combined count as one month of class, but our auto billing will bill you in both months. For example, if you purchase a 6-month membership beginning in November, your membership would be for Nov, Dec/Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr and May. Your payments would be processed in Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, and Apr. We are tracking the number of payments as well as the months of your membership even though they may not be aligned.  

To sign up for a Membership plan, you must save a payment option in our system. During checkout, just check the box that says, “Save payment information to my account for future purchases.”   

Some Final Notes:  

  • Instructions: Instructions for accessing the assignments, your Zoom link, and a full schedule of who is teaching when will be emailed to you approximately 24 hours before the first class from classes@leslykahn.com. Please be sure that address as well as Lesly@LeslyKahn.com, sierra@leslykahn.com, and coach@leslykahn.com are all in your e-mail safe list.   
  • Recording of class is prohibited.  
  • Our recordings of classes are not made available to participants.    
  • MOL is a monthly offering; it is not based on the number of classes attended.    
  • There are no make-ups for MOL.    
  • MOL is not refundable or transferable.

Here isa smattering of some of the mind-blowing feedback we’ve received:  

  • I LOVE the structure of the class. It’s no bullshit. No wasting time. It’s great.      
  • My reps are so much happier with my work now. They say my tapes are getting great response from casting!     
  • I love the format, the community, the exposure to material, the re-instilling of lessons, and the lack of pressure but opportunity to perform.    
  • I haven’t booked in forever, and I booked a job!   
  • I took More or Les because the new realities of the industry made finding full-time work necessary and I can’t afford Ongoing. This class fit my work schedule and still held me responsible. I probably make it to one class a week and I still feel like I am getting my money’s worth. The classes and hearing your wisdom on repeat have led to being pinned or short-listed many a time.  
  • I am a working actor who was part of your professional Tuesday night Ongoing and I still get something from your More or Les class every week. 
  • Having the rotating teachers feels like going in for different CDs or working with different directors; everyone says things a little differently.    
  • It is making me feel invincible, that I can handle anything thrown at me.    
  • It doesn’t give me time to procrastinate, make excuses or over-think. It’s also helping me deal with my perfectionism. It’s giving me crazy direction. I even find that I have far less anxiety with real auditions.    
  • It’s like technique on steroids.    
  • Daring to suck feels less scary when you have the opportunity to do it more often.    
More or Les Participation Level

3-month Working Actor — full pay, 3-month Working Actor — payment plan, 6-month Working Actor — full pay, 6-month Working Actor — payment plan, Annual Working Actor — full pay, Annual Working Actor — payment plan, Undercover Actor, Working Actor